East European Historical Society
Cherkas Global University (Washington, USA)
KAD International (Effiduase-Koforidua, Ghana)
hold the Third International competition for the best research work
among scientific and pedagogical staff “Slavery in the past and present”
Working languages: English, Russian
Start of the competition: February 17,2022
Application deadline: October 15,2022
Summing up of the competition results: December 2,2022 (International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, celebrated since 1949)
Organizers: East European Historical Society, Cherkas Global University, KAD International
Applications should be forwarded promptly by e-mail of the organizing committee of the competition:
Coordinator of the organizing committee of the Competition: doctor of historical sciences Aleksandr A. Cherkasov.
the Third International competition for the best research work among scientific and pedagogical staff “Slavery in the past and present”.
1. General provisions
This Regulation establishes and regulates relations associated with the holding of the Third International competition for the best research work among scientific and pedagogical staff “Slavery in the past and present” (hereinafter referred to as «Competition»). The competition is supported by the East European Historical Society, as well as a number of scientific organizations and associations.
2. The Purposes of the Competition
— To draw the attention of the scientific and pedagogical community to the study of slavery in its historical development;
— To promote the scientific study of the mechanisms for the capture of slaves, their transportation, and reselling them to temporary and permanent owners;
— To create a permanent platform for studying the daily life of people in slavery;
— Familiarizing the international community with research in the field of studying slavery as a phenomenon in the past and present.
3. Participants
3.1. Researchers and scientific workers from scientific and educational institutions, as well as members of relevant associations are allowed to participate in the Competition:
3.1.1. Age: no restrictions
3.2. Competition entries are not allowed to participate in the Competition:
— issued not in the accordance with the requirements of the Regulation on the Competition.
— received after the announced deadline (paragraph 6.1 of this Regulation).
— prepared jointly with another author or creative team.
4. The dates of Competition
The beginning of reception of applications and competition works for participation: February 17,2022
Deadline for accepting applications: October 15,2022
Announcement of winners: December 2,2022
5. Requirements for competitive works
The competitive work should be an author's understanding of one of the theoretical or practical problems in the history of Eastern Europe during the XVII — early XX centuries.
5.1. Competitive work and its features:
5.1.1. Competitive work is a scientific article, which is framed according to the recommended structure, presented in electronic form (20—25 pages, 1.5 spacing, size 14). The originality of the study should be at least 75 %. Sent by email address: with a mark «Competition». For a sample manuscript, see Appendix.
5.1.2. The structure of the work includes: title of the article, information about the author, abstract (250 words), keywords (no more than 10), introduction, materials and methods, discussion of the problem, results, conclusion.
The scientific article must be written by the Applicant himself and may be of a survey, theoretical or applied nature.
6. Procedure for submitting applications for participation in the competition and competitive works
6.1. To participate in the Competition, the Applicant sends the completed application and the competitive work to email address no later than October 15,2022.
6.2. The fact of registration of the application is confirmed no later than 3 (three) business days from the receipt of the application.
6.3. The application for participation in the competition includes the following items:
Information about the applicant: full name, date of birth, academic degree, scientific title, position, name of educational and scientific institution, department/faculty/laboratory, phone, e-mail address. The title of the competitive work.
7. The order of consideration of competitive works and determining the winners of the competition
7.1. Works submitted to the Competition undergo the preliminary selection (technical expertise) for formal compliance with the requirements for work and for the participants of the competition. The preliminary selection of works is carried out by the Competition Coordinator.
7.2. Competitive works that have passed the preliminary selection (technical expertise) are registered and transferred to the Competition Commission.
The competition commission consists of members of the Competition Council and invited experts.
7.2.1. Within the purview of the Competition Commission includes:
Consideration of Competitive works for compliance with the content of the work requirements of paragraph 5 of this Regulation (“The Requirements for competitive works”).
Organization of the examination process of Competitive works.
Determination of the winners of the Competition based on the results of the examination of the Competition works carried out in accordance with paragraph 7.2.2. of this Regulation.
7.2.2. Evaluation of each competitive work is carried out by at least three experts on each of the following criteria: relevance of the topic; originality and novelty of the approach; knowledge of research methods; consistency, integrity and scientific validity; practical and/or theoretical significance of the work; quality and originality of presentation.
7.2.3. The winners of the Competition are determined on the basis of the total rating of the assessments of the members of the Competition Commission.
7.3. The protocol of the decision of the Competition Commission and the list of winners of the Competition (hereinafter referred to as “The Winners”) are published on the electronic page of the Competition, within the time periods specified in paragraph 4 of this Regulation (“The Dates of Competition”).
7.4. The decision of the Competition Commission cannot be challenged by the participants of the Competition.
7.5. The Competition organizers shall notify the Winners of the decision made by the Competition Commission no later than 5 days after the registration of the Protocol on the results of the Competition by sending an e-mail notification.
8. The prize fund
8.1. The total prize fund of the Third Competition is 2,250 USD. The prize fund can be distributed both according to the ranking of the three best works: first place — 1 000 USD, second place — 750 USD, third place — 500 USD, or by selecting the 5 best works, then the prize fund is divided in equal shares.
8.2. The works of the competition participants will be published in the journal “Slavery: Theory and Practice” in December 2022. The website of the journal: https://stp.cherkasgu.press
Appendix 1
Sample manuscript
The structure of the article:
Title (in English).
First and last name of the author in English.
After indent: information about the author in English: organization, country
After indentation: abstract — 250 words (in English), keywords — up to 10 words (in English). Keywords are separated from each other by commas.
After the indent: the text of the article (in English or Russian).
The structure of the ARTICLE’S TEXT consists of:
1. Introduction (relevance of the research problem);
2. Materials and methods (materials and methods are described in detail);
3. Discussion (the discussion describes which of the authors was engaged in this research topic);
4. Results (main part of the article);
5. Conclusion (conclusions);
6. Acknowledgements (if the article was made with the financial support of the scientific foundation)
— Literature (in the original language). In the literature section, at least 20 references to literature or sources must be disclosed in alphabetical order.
— References (in transliteration if the link is not in English with the inclusion in brackets in semantic English. At the end of the footnote, specify (In Russian) if the link is translated from Russian). For more information, see Appendix 3.
TITLE (in Russian)
first name, middle name and surname of the author in Russian
information about the author in Russian: organization, country, e-mail
Abstract — at least 250 words, keywords — up to 10 words (in Russian).
Appendix 2
Examples of bibliographic references
The list of works cited appears at the end of the article, under the heading ‘Literature’. The list is alphabetized. It must contain only works cited directly in the paper. Literature must be cited using not numeric but parenthetical citations — by listing the author’s last name and the work’s publication date in parentheses and separating these from the page number with a colon (Petrov, 2014: 12). When citing a collection of articles, list, in lieu of the author’s last name, either the last name of the collection’s executive editor (or compiler) or one or two words from its title. Likewise, when citing a work whose author or compiler is unknown (e.g., a newspaper item), list one or two words from the beginning of the work’s title (Letters and Telegrams, 2009). Abbreviate a name that conveniently lends itself to abbreviation as an acronym. For instance, substituting ACAC for ‘Acts of the Caucasian Archeographic Commission’ will result in ACAC 1881: 55-56. When citing articles or books by two authors, list both authors (Shalimov, Petrov, 2012: 61). When citing articles or books by three or more authors, list the first author’s last name followed by ‘et al.’ (Ivanov et al., 2009 or Smith et al., 2001). To differentiate between two or more works by the same author in the same year, add the Latin letters a, b, c, etc., to the publication year (Petrov, 2006a), (Petrov, 2006b).
Citing dissertation abstracts and dissertations is not recommended.
Citation examples:
Monographs: Petrov 2010 — Petrov V.M. A historical portrait of P.A. Stolypin. Surgut, 2010. p. 186.
Articles: Shalimov, Petrov 2012 — Shalimov V.N., Petrov V.M, (if there are more than three authors, use ‘et al.’ after the first three last names) P.A. Stolypin in Russian historiography. Golos Minuvshego. 2012. No. 1 (16). pp. 63-76.
Archival sources (with the file title and the year): NAG — National Archive of Georgia (NAG). F. 2. Op. 1. D. 7661. L. 61.
Transliteration. Automating the transliteration process involves the use of a resource available at https://antropophob.ru/translit-bsi. Once done with automatic transliteration, manually check the resulting text for errors and make any necessary corrections. Transliterated citations must only contain elements that are significant to analytical processing (the authors’ full names, the title of the primary source, and the colophon). In the list of works cited, the titles of works written in languages that do not use Latinized alphabets must be translated into English and enclosed in square brackets; the titles of sources must be transliterated and the source language must be listed in square brackets in the end. When citing a book, the name of the publishing house (if that is the name of an institution) must be translated into English; in all other cases, it must be transliterated and the place of publication must be translated.
Transliteration example:
Sulyak, 2012 — Sulyak S.G. (2012). Etnodemograficheskie protsessy v Bessarabii v XIX — nachale XX v. [Ethno-demographic processes in Bessarabia in the 19th and early 20th centuries]. Rusin. № 1 (27). pp. 6-26. [in Russian]
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