The competition received works from the following countries: Russian Federation, USA, Ghana, Ukraine, Slovakia.
The competition scoring committee decided not to single out the three best works, but to distribute the prize fund in equal shares ($ 450 each) between the five best works.
The following works were selected among the best:
— Peretyatko A.Yu. Perception of «white slavery» by Don pre-revolutionary authors: mechanisms of criticism and self-justification;
— Dudarev S.L., Ktitorov S.N. Оn the position of aul Аrmavir residents personal dependent people at in the period before elimination of the serfdom law in Russia;
— Klychnikov Yu.Yu. North Caucasian «hotbed» of the slave trade (trade of captives): to the problem statement;
— Šmigeľ M. Metamorphoses of the Circassian slave trade (13th—19th centuries): Aspects of women as the «live goods»;
— Jacob Owusu Sarfo. Eastern European slavery: An analysis of the health and productivity of serf-based economy between the 16th and 19th centuries.
Chairman of the Commission, doctor of historical sciences, professor Aleksandr A. Cherkasov
Research LLC